Sunday, December 09, 2007

Moved... to Lima

Well, I've been in Lima for about a week and a half and it's been totally full on...! I started with learning all the stuff for bookkeeping (total brain overload, it's been ages since I've worked in an office environment, and with spreadsheets!!), and I'll be doing this for SIM Peru until March to cover for missos going on home assignment... meanwhile, I'll be trying to improve my Spanish, which is the main reason I'm in Lima. I've started classes with a girl named Sandra - she's just finished her second year of Journalism at the University of Lima. It will be great to focus on my grammar.

The last couple of months in Abancay were really cool - I had lots of opportunities to talk to the family and understand more of the culture. It was sad to leave... but they should be moving to Lima just before Christmas, so at least I will see them soon.

My time with Haydee, my Spanish helper in Abancay, has been really awesome. As well as helping me out with language, she also became a good friend.

And you might remember my second language helper, Silvia... I go and visit her every other week and we also catch up at church. I'm excited about going back to Abancay and hopefully starting up some girls bible study groups with her and Stacey (SIM US misso). Her baby is so cute!!

Since arriving in Lima, I've managed to be sick most of the time... allergies, cough and now diarrhoea... not sure what is going on...

So if you want to pray... pray for good health, a good relationship with Sandra and a good brain for numbers and spreadsheets.


Blogger fayfay said...

Surely will pray for good health and brain power to work around those numbers!

Take care sweetie! *hugs*

Sunday, December 09, 2007 8:08:00 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

HI Prilz, Good to hear news of you and your latest goings on. Just to let you know that The Japan Short Term Mission is now full on in Tokyo and the news is that they are working very hard at it.

Will certainly pray for your good health and brain power. Spreadsheets are not my favorite IT work.

Take care and God Bless.

Monday, December 10, 2007 6:12:00 am  
Blogger MichelleC said...

Hi Prilz!!

You:ve moved?!? does that mean your address has changed? oh well... sho ga nai - there:s nothing that can be done.

Our mission trip is going well. my fears about staying with a home stay have all gone. They:re really nice. Everyone:s learning heaps of Japanese and Jan:s getting really good at it! It:s been fun seeing Barry struggling with it! ; ) But everyone:s having a great time.

Please pray for us. It:s getting colder in Japan now. A few of us are getting sick. Mikaela:s been sick with the cold for the past few days, so please pray for the Wongs.

Hope you:re settling in with your move and your body has been able to adjust.

Will pray for you and i:ll update the rest of the team about your situation.

Take care and enjoy your first Christmas in Peru!

lots of luv, mish

Thursday, December 13, 2007 8:34:00 am  

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